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Generative AI (or GenAI) is now empowering job seekers to improve their ability …

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Generative AI (or GenAI) is now empowering job seekers to improve their ability …

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Generative AI (or GenAI) is now empowering job seekers to improve their ability to get hired. With the right strategy and prompts, you can leverage these platforms as if they were digital career coaches — bespoke virtual agents who can help reduce your anxieties and educate you on what to expect during the interview process, as well as how to approach it.

If you’re interested in experimenting, here are some easy ways to leverage GenAI ahead of your next job interview to set yourself up for success.

Adapted from “How to Use GenAI to Prepare for Your Next Job Interview,” by Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic. Artist credit: HBR Staff; visualspace/Stanislaw Pytel/Getty Images.

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  1. I tried cancelling my subscription and there is no way to do so on the website. It says I have to email. I did but never got a response and I’m still listed. What kind of operation is that?

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